We are aware that physical ailments can have mental implications. Certain diseases may cause harm to our mental wellbeing. However, it is to be noted that it may be the other way round. Mental health issues can be a cause of your physiological illnesses too. Diabetes is one such problem. 

Diabetes is passed through genetics. However, for a person to be suffering from this disease, it needs to be triggered. Stress can be one of these triggers to cause ‘Type 2 diabetes in a person.  

How Does This Work? 

In contemporary times, it is difficult to live a stress-free life. Certain stressors are inevitable; but they are temporary. However, if a person feels under pressure or experiences stress constantly, it becomes problematic.  

When we feel stressed, our body releases certain stress hormones. They are necessary to boost our energy and turn the ‘fight or flight’ mode on. However, these hormones are insulin resistance – they create difficulties for insulin to work efficiently. Therefore, the blood sugar rises. Such frequent episodes of extreme stress shoot up the blood sugar level tremendously. This ultimately leads to triggering diabetes amongst individuals.  

Diabetes brings more stress, and this cycle never seems to stop – until you make it stop.  

All of this can be constrained by changing our lifestyle slightly so as to cope with stress. Going for a walk, listening to music, meditation, saying ‘no’ to unnecessary load that causes stress, journaling, avoiding procrastination can all be helpful to avoid stress in life and thereafter the problem of diabetes arising out of it.  

So, in order to live healthy, you must think healthy! 

Manpravah Hypnoclinic 

Clinical psychologist & Hypnotherapist 

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Web – Dr Sukumar Munje: Best Hypnotherapist 

Clinics @Prabhadevi (W)/ Parel (W), Borivali, Vashi, New Panvel


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