Want to know why social media is escaping window for emotions ?


         February 2022

Want to know why social media is escaping window for emotions ?

Social media is effective way to connect with people with just one click. Social media provide you with all news going around the world. It is very easy to reach out to the people with just one click.

Everything in limit is fine until it leads to extreme obsession or a medium to hide from their own problem or negative emotions. 

Social media affect your life. Social media not only impact your work but it affects your subconscious mind as well. This social media design to be addictive. It is so engaging that it make you to scroll down and down without conscious attention. 

Phone is a medium to connect with people but now a days people use phone to avoid interaction with other. Sometime even they don’t realize that they are not avoiding them it’s just their social anxiety avoiding people. 

Social media increases the risk of depression, anxiety, stress and self doubts. 

While looking at "reel life " we forget that its not real it just acting but we start expecting our life to happen like "reel life", which lead to more dissatisfaction in "real life".  

Youngster get affected by negative comments on social media.  Youngsters compare life with others. Comparing generate more negative thoughts and self doubts. It's unhealthy for our mental health. 

Social media changes our own perspective towards appearance of us. Youngster use expensive make -up or filter just to look better. It make a habit of getting appreciation from others. 

Though social media was used to reduce the communication gap but it has increased the gap with our own family members. People think social media is helping them to get distracted from their negative emotions but in reality it's actually making their mental health worst. 

You feel good when your using social media because your mind gets busy with entertainment rather then your negative or emotions. People use phone when they are in stress as a medium to avoid negative thoughts.  

Rupesh (Name changed) 16 year college student. Came to Manpravah clinic with complain of difficulty to focus on study. He was not able to do his studies or assignment. ‘’He stated that his phone addiction is too much due to which I am not able to study’’. It was fine till last year has exam was online due to covid. But this year he realized that it is important to study or else he will fail his exam as his exams are in the college. His Parents realized that he need more then family advice so they took appointment at Manpravah clinic. 

He started hating the way he looks due to effect of reel life. He stated that '' I am always look conscious.''  I don't like my body and look. I don't have stylish clothes like social media influencer. His confidence was reduced. Continuous overthinking about looks and appearance while going out with family and friends. After few months he started avoiding going out with even friends. 

After few sessions, therapist understood that he is addicted to phone just to avoid interaction with others. He stated that ‘’ I am introvert since childhood but I realized its social anxiety after lockdown opened. After 2 years of lockdown it was very difficult for me to interact even with my own society members’’ 

He was using social media to escape from his negative emotions. In order to avoid negative emotions brain use phone as a distraction First he used social media to avoid people than it became his habit. Social media became his hiding door from others. It was not just phone but also social anxiety. 

Few session of Hypnotherapy, CBT, Mindfulness and counseling techniques help him to cope with his social anxiety.

 Hypnotherapy helped him to cope with his core beliefs relate to stranger. It helped him with social anxiety and to regulate his negative thinking pattern. A CBT technique was used to help him change behavior pattern. Mindfulness helps him to reduce stress and it taught him to observe his thoughts.

''Its not about using social media its about reducing the time of using social media''.


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