We do have a crush on popular personalities – film stars, singers, sports people, etc. But we know it as a matter of fact that this celebrity crush is one sided. However, there is a group of people who believe that a celebrity or a famous person is in love with them. These people suffer from a disorder named – EROTOMANIA 

EROTOMANIA is a delusional disorder wherein a person feels that another person – usually high in status is in love with them. They become obsessed with them.  

A 30-year-old man felt that a famous actress was in love with him. He was obsessively consuming media that was related to her – her movies, advertisements, shows, interviews. He felt that any romantic dialogue delivered by her was directed towards him. He would send her messages every day, send gifts on her birthday and would write a letter to her.  

Once he fought with her bodyguards to let him in her house. Every time she would look into the camera, he would get excited thinking she looked at him. He would feel that she was sending her coded messages and trying to communicate with him.  

He would often feel jealous of her costars and use harsh words against them. He would call them and abuse them. His family got worried that he would call upon trouble for such behavior, so he was taken to a doctor.  

The man was suffering from bipolar disorder which was the main cause of Erotomania. This remained for a few months. He was still visiting the actress, going to her shoot locations, but as the treatment began, the obsession reduced. He was brought face to face with reality and gradually, his delusions were brough to a halt. 

Manpravah Hypnoclinic 

Clinical psychologist & Hypnotherapist 

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Web – Dr Sukumar Munje: Best Hypnotherapist 

Clinics @Prabhadevi (W)/ Parel (W), Borivali, Vashi, New Panvel


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