Why relaxation therapy is important for women?


Why relaxation therapy is important for women?  

Women is strong pillar of family and society. Women is symbol of patience. It is seen that women suppress their feelings in order to maintain peace in family. Women always care about others needs and forget about her own needs. For women there is no break from her duties. Though women have started raising high but it has also raised her stress as well. Family and work along traveling lead to physical and mental stress.  Suppressing of feelings leads to more behavior issues in women. Women are so busy that they do not understand that they are going through stress. 

Due to stress women are facing many physical problems. Stress is physical response to daily life events. Women dual stress about family and work lead to more mental disturbance.

Why relaxation therapy is important for women?

Stress affects physically, emotionally, mentally, occupational, social and spiritual. There is various cause of stress in women. Stress management can be greatly aided by relaxation practices. Peace of mind or engaging in a hobby are merely two aspects of relaxation. It is a method that lessens the negative effects of stress on your body and mind. One can manage daily stress by using relaxation techniques. Additionally, these methods can help with chronic stress or stress connected to different medical issues, such heart disease and discomfort.

Advantage of relaxation therapy.

  • ·        Lower blood pressure
  • ·        Improved digestion
  • ·        Reduced rate of breathing
  • ·        Slower heart rate
  • ·        Improvement in quality of sleep
  • ·        Reduction of chronic pain and muscle tension
  • ·        Reduction of stress hormone activity
  • ·        Increase of blood flow to major muscles
  • ·        Maintaining normal levels of blood sugar
  • ·        Less fatigue
  • ·        Improved confidence for facing problems
  • ·        Reduced frustration and anger
  • ·        Improved mood and concentration

The key to managing stress is to practice "relaxation."

Our bodies receive more blood when we are relaxed, which gives us more energy. It supports mental clarity and calmness, which promotes creative thinking, focus, memory, and decision-making.

Our heart rate, blood pressure, and tension are all slowed down by relaxation.

Additionally, it improves digestion because when we are relaxed, we absorb vital nutrients more effectively, which helps us fight off disease and infection. Women required to be fit physically and mentally, as she is the one who takes cares of whole house.


                “All women need her own time.”

                         Special women workshop 


# Relaxation therapy.
# Stress reduction techniques.
# Meditation.
# Body scan.
# Mindfulness training 


Date - 10th July                                                                                                                                          Time - 11:00 Am to 3:00 Pm                                                                                                                     Age - 18 Above                                                                                                                                            Venue - Prabhadevi Clinic        
Fees - 699/- per person   
                                                                                                                                                              Lunch will be served.

Contact - 8652789813 / 8097774819


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