A lady with many faces.

A lady with many faces. 

A short story of 22 year varsha, she came to Mumbai after completing her education. She is only child to her parents. Her parents started noticing behavior changes like her way of talking, eating and walking.  She was shy since her childhood but sudden change in her behavior was seen after coming back to Mumbai. She use to forget her way and her belongings too.

Her aggression was scary. One incident in which I just asked her to avoid doing mess in kitchen after eating and her reaction to which was extreme. She throw away glass bottles and food and was shouting with abusive words. She was shy girl and introvert. Her talking style was very soft and slow. It was her first time that she reacted on me. I didn't responded to her because I could feel something was wrong. Same day  while dinner her father  asked about her reaction and she started laughing that I didn't do anything like that, i was sleeping whole day because i was not feeling well.

We let go her behavior.

But we could see her moods changing multiple time as if she was possessed by someone else Or someone else is driving her to do certain things. She went out with her with friend for dinner. She didn't received our call so we called her friend. But she said she is not with her. "I dropped her near railway station". We were shock and scared and we both went out to find her. We called our relatives and friends. With no option  we registered her missing FIR next day. Next day police brought her home. Varsha was crying, she was clueless that how she reached that place and don't remember any of this. She was scared and worried.

We went to hospital next day to check what was wrong with her. We did all kind of test and even drug test which was normal.  They asked us to visit psychologist for counselling.

After consultation with psychologist he diagnosed her with dissociative personality disorder. In the case history it was noted that one boy in her College sexually abused her and she was not able to open up to anyone. Her patients fights with each other made her to take decision to study away from home. There over protective behavior was suffocating her from inside. She said I am not  independent all because of them. In name of care and protection they were putting restrictions on me. So it was clear that all this trauma was turned into Dissociative  identity disorders.

 Dissociative disorders usually develop as a way to cope with trauma. The disorders most often form in children subjected to long-term physical, sexual or emotional abuse or, less often, a home environment that's frightening or highly unpredictable.


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