Do you know Complaining nature can lead to depression ?

Complaining and negative thinking pattern can lead to depression.

Our thinking patterns plays and important role for emotions and behaviors. We all do many complains on our daily life. It's our reaction. By expressing complains we feel relief and gets sympathy from others. It's fine to complain sometimes but excess can be really harmful to mental health.
Complains rewire your brain for negativity.
Brain don't like to work harder and finds a efficiency in work
When you repeat a behavior, such as complaining, your neurons branch out to each other to ease the flow of information. This makes it much easier to repeat that behavior in the future. And it becomes habit to complain. That's the reason complains are easy then thinking positive.
It's easy to complain but it as bad impact on mental health and body.

In research it was found that complaining damage some parts of brain too.

When you complain it release stress hormones in your body. Stress hormones increase your blood pressure and blood sugar so that you’ll be prepared for fight/freeze mode. Extra stress hormones affect immune systems and can lead to other problems like heart problems, diabetes, cholesterol etc.
Complaining not only affect you but it also have impact on people around you.

Brain naturally and unconsciously mimic the emotions of other it's called mirroring.
When you complain more, you attract more problems in your life.
Continuous complaining can lead to anxiety and depression. 

A Short story about complaining nature which lead to depression

 Amrita (name change) extroverted talkative girl.

 She did well in her studies and so in her job.

 But she started realizing she is being very negative, but still she continued and after 7-8 months she started feeling depressed.
She didn't understood the reason and everyone around her said her the same thing “you got everything what’s the need to feel depressed.”

She was quiet inside and in search for answers she came to Manpravah.

 She spoke about her situation. Talking in comfortable, non judgemental space made her feel relaxed.

And as the treatment began she started understanding its not the surrounding situation that led her to depression but her own thinking. From childhood, those complaining, making jokes of others, feeling superior attitude made her suffer.

Her own thinking pattern affected her mood and behavior. Continuous negative thinking about herself and others started disturbing her.  overthinking about her own behavior was disturbing to her inner peace. self criticism increased and mind was more focus on negative part of her more than positive one. Her sleep and appetite was disturbed. overthinking was affecting her performance and activity.

In counseling session she learned how her thoughts affects her behavior. Therapy was started with acceptance and self love. Due to negative thinking pattern she use to hate herself and was more focus on her negative part only. She learned to acceptance and love herself with all good and bad points. counselor worked on her thinking pattern. Counseling, Hypnotherapy and mindfulness was really effective on her.

 During treatment she learnt healthy ways and positive talks also completed sea mindfulness training.

And the result was happy and positive.🌹

You can rewire your brain by doing following things.

  •  Gratitude
  • No gossiping
  • Mindfulness
  • Go 24 hours without complaining.
  • Train yourself to be non judgmental.
  • Acceptance
  • Self love
  • Practice forgiveness

 “Happiness comes a lot easier when you stop complaining about your problems and you start being grateful for all the problems you don’t have.”

The Best Psychologist & Hypnotherapist
Mindfulness Coach:-
Dr. Sukumar Munje
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