Prevention is the best cure!!

Prevention is the best cure!!

Sheetal is an energetic, beautiful and Smart woman.  Use to work with private companies. Sheetal was a workaholic woman. She used to stay alone in Mumbai due to work. After her Master's, she shifted to Mumbai for Job and a good salary package.

She was happy with her job and her lifestyle.

Her daily routine was fixed, morning to evening office and at night home or sometimes clubbing with friends. There was no fixed time for working. Though her daily life was mechanical still she used to like it because of her paycheck. It has been 5 years since she was working with this company. Due to the sudden rise in the number of covid patients, the government decided to lockdown.

The company decided to stop working for 1 month and later everything will be fine. She was quite disturbed at home alone due to the habit of going out and attachment toward work. It was suffocating for her to be alone at home. But one fine day most of the people received a mail from the company about notice period and list of employees in the notice period.

Sheetal's name was also there on notice period which disturbed her. The boss gave clear instructions that only a few with good performance while surviving rest have to end their journey with this company. They started working from home. Due to the notice period; her overthinking was extreme about work and the future. Her performance anxiety was getting worst day by day.

Her sleep and appetite were completely disturbing. She used to cry most of her day. She reduced her contact with her family and friends because of the embarrassment to face them. Her overthinking about performance, future, unemployment and society or relatives taunt were hunting her day and night.

Her stomach problems started but due to coming cases, it was difficult to get appointments at clinics. Her overthinking was hunting her so bad that she decided to commit suicide as well. She's used to getting panic attacks during meetings. Her performance was affected due to anxiety.

The company was also lost due to lockdown. It was difficult for companies to pay employees' salaries and even other expenditures. Due to loss in the company, the CEO and Manager decided to quit the company. She was disturbed after the meeting. Her anxiety attack has increased frequently. She even stopped going out to buy basic food. According to losing her job was shameful.

Her core beliefs about society and relatives were affecting her so much. She has lost her job and grip of her Mental Health also. We live most of our life thinking about the future, past or what others will think about us and attachment toward certain things leads to depression, stress, overthinking and anxiety.

Single reason affected Mental, Physical and financial aspects of Sheetal. Avoidance or lack of knowledge about Mental health leads to serious disorders. It's better to start taking care of Mental health before it gets worst.


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